Hello there, we are the Morehouse Family and we are thrilled to be a Wanderlust Featured Family!

We live in the beautiful state of Michigan on a small farm with horses and chickens, a dog and some cats. We’ve been married just over 11 years and have 3 spunky, sassy, energetic and fun daughters. Ellanore is 7, Aria is 5 and Cora is 3. Our family is very active and we love to be outdoors- exploring the woods, riding horses, riding bikes, visiting our local zoo and just hanging in the backyard. We are all so excited to be expanding our family through adoption and are embracing the journey it has taken us on so far.

Adoption is not a new concept to either of us and we have several adopted family members and siblings on both sides. After a few years of being married I – Dana – felt we were called to adopt. After discussing with Joseph we decided it wasn’t the right time and to try and build our family biologically first. 3 beautiful girls and 7 years later the tugging on my heart was still there. 

Through the years I had continued to pray over Adoption within our family and would bring it up to Joseph every once in awhile. The timing was always just not right and he wan’t fully on board with the whole idea…

Early in 2019 our oldest daughter started chatting about adoption, kind of out of nowhere. She wanted to adopt, we should adopt etc.

Hearing her dream of this, brought the tugging on my heart even stronger. I prayed more than ever “God if this is what we are to do, change Joseph’s heart. I am on board, get him on board”

July of that summer we were able to have a rare date night out and I had a clear opportunity to bring it up again. You guys, He said YES! Joseph was totally on board and I watched 8 years of prayers coming through! It was clearly God opening the way for us.

I jumped full force into researching which route we should take, we talked to the girls to get their input, talked to friends who had previously adopted and settled on Domestic Adoption and signed up with an agency, took the classes, did our education and went bonkers with fundraising. You see, I am the dreamer in our relationship and Joseph is the rational one. Especially when it comes to finances. The idea of paying for an adoption was not his favorite thing. But God. We have grown so much in this process and learned to “Let Go and Let God” he has called us to this journey and we (ok, me- Dana- especially) have to release our grasp, our control, our plans and let God write our Adoption story. And he has! The day we became Home Study approved and an active family, our state of Michigan basically shut down due to the pandemic. Miraculously we have had such a peace about his plan and his timing that even a worldwide crisis can’t stop God’s amazing story through us

We love the bows we have chosen! Each one of our 3 girls handpicked their favorite pattern. I love the bright and fun colors for summertime and feel they represent our family’s personality well. We hope you like them too!

I love these bows and I love the fact that their girls picked the fabric. I can’t wait to see your kiddos in them.

To Shop the Morehouse Bows Click on the Photo and Link Below

CLICK HERE TO SHOPhttps://wanderlustandmayhem.com/product/anderson-family-bows-june-2020-copy/